The Warblers by Birds Canada

So cute, so deadly: Northern Saw-whet Owl

Season 5 Episode 1

By size, shape and style, you might mistake this owl for a cuddly toy, but it's actually a deadly predator. In today's episode we chat about the Northern Saw-whet Owl - their adaptations, how to identify them by sound, how banding operations are helping to track their populations, and how you could get involved!

Happy Superb Owl day! #superbowl

Protect habitat while sipping on a cup of bird-friendly coffee! Birds and Beans will even donate to this podcast when you use the code "warblers" at checkout.

Join the Nocturnal Owl Survey, or keep an eye out for owl banding at a banding station near you. Follow Long Point Bird Observatory on FB or IG @longpointbirds    

Kyle Cameron got hooked on birds from a young age and turned it into a career! He currently works as the Ontario Projects Biologist for Birds Canada, where he provides contributions to numerous projects including education programming, the Motus wildlife tracking system, and the Long Point Bird Observatory.

Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.